John Dimmer

     Realistic, this is the first word that pops into my head when I think of John Dimmer, he is honest and has a plan for things, he has dreams, but he does not let them get him into trouble. Dimmer did not come off as the best at public speaking, he talked in circles a lot and was very repetitive, and yet still certain things were emphasized and became very engrained into me as I listened to him, I doubt it was a conscious strategy, but it worked. Unlike many entrepreneurs that I have learned about Dimmer didn’t go straight into building a company, he also didn’t have family or someone who seemed to inspire him to go into business for him there was one common thing that kept him going and kept him in the game and that is money. After working as a banker and a loan officer and even a repo man Dimmer started his first business of many that he would have, he emphasized that there are many ways to start a business and not all of them are from scratch, some of them involve buying a small business and growing it for a while or buying a product and making a company around it. He works as a management service and is currently working at the company his father-built Firs management services. Dimmer is in it for the money as I said earlier and so his focus is as he calls it harvesting businesses, building companies up, and then when the time is right selling them for a profit. When asking him questions it was hard to get a straight answer from him, maybe due to not understanding what I was saying or the nerves that come with public speaking that he demonstrated but at the end of the day when I asked him how he dealt with burnout his answer was complex. The best interpretation of his answer was that he went to the golf course when he could and when he did not have the time he would work out at the gym. Most of all though he relayed his outlook on life, realize that you cannot just sit and wallow in self-pity, you have to get up and do something or it will never get done. You cannot afford to, nor can any of the people that rely on you, quit and give up, to just not get out of bed.


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