Business Ideas

 Therapy website: that serves to allow therapists and clients to meet and check-in with each other. Serves as an intermediary between client and therapist and can allow the therapist to assign different tasks to their clients such as meditation or journaling. Panic attack features are also a part of this where the therapist can prerecord videos for their client in case a panic attack comes to help them calm down and can alert the therapist to any emergency that may require their attention.


Therapy board games: while there are already some that have been made most are obscenely expensive. I propose making board games for people in and out of sessions and making games for families to help them form a deeper relationship and bond through communication and possibly team building.


Hobby space: designing a company where you go in and do things such as woodworking or metalworking maybe even painting or pottery away from home. This could have classes for beginners and a client could rent storage so that they don’t have to hull their work to and from home. Allow a safe environment to practice and do projects with friends without having to make their own homes messy. This company could also rent tools as well for any clients that want to do work at home. This company could also have spaces for cake decorating for kids where all the tools are provided. There could be childcare where kids can do crafts and hobbies of their own supervised while parents do what they want to do around the shop. The shop can have rooms for the newest hobbies where hobby trends online can be done in person and safely. Businesses can adapt to any new hobby or trend allowing them to adapt and survive in the future.


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