Self-Reflection Sandwich
If you were told to make a list of ten amazing things about yourself that you are proud of, things you would call a strength of yours, what would they be? Are they skills you have acquired? Character traits? Things you have made or accomplished? Whatever they are if you are any bit like me and my classmates it probably was not very easy to come up with any let alone ten. Now try to list ten weaknesses of your things that you are not good at, maybe they are things you are working on improving, they could be things that you do not think could ever change. When coming up with my weaknesses in less than two minutes I had over twenty weaknesses, when given the same amount of time for strengths I came up with five. Why is that? My theory, that it is the way we are raised, to say something your good at comes across as bragging and that you think you're superior to everyone else. Personally, when I start talking about my strengths I am immediately bombarded with feelings of shame, guilt, f...