Brian Forth
A man who started as an intern at Disney then went on to become a student in California studying film, to a philosophy student who spent his free time taking apart and putting back together various computers, Brian Forth is a man who certainly stands out. The founder and CEO of Site Crafting along with its partner company Gearlobas Forth unlike many of the other guest speakers does not have a background involving the creation and failure or selling off multiple companies. Forth graduated from Gonzaga which is a private university in Spokane Washington with a degree in philosophy, followed by becoming an elementary school teacher for four years (1994-1998) where he taught kids and sometimes their parents how to code and build websites. From there he was hired in San Francisco where he worked while also creating his first company Site Crafting, for a few years, afterward he switched to working full-time on-Site Crafting. Site Crafting from the way Forth describe...